color podcast

     In the podcast, the men discuss how color plays a very important role in our everyday lives. There is much more to ROYGBIV than we were taught in preschool and kindergarten. There is so much more between those boundaries. In many ways, color brings out the beauty in what we see. People see color differently. For instance, the color lilac could look periwinkle to someone else. Color can also indicate certain objects such as oranges or different types of apples. People can use color to determine whether a fruit is ripe or not. 
     Artists use color to express mood in a painting, movie scene, or sculpture, which leads their audience to feel the message that they are trying to convey. This made me think about how actors and actresses during the time of black and white television had to exaggerate their emotions because there was no color to emphasize the mood of the situation. It is amazing to think that there are certain cells in our eyes called photoreceptor cells that are there for the purpose of enabling us to see color. 
     This podcast made me question where the names of these colors actually came from. How did people describe things before the nomenclature for colors came about? I also found it interesting that the Greek did not have a word for color. Are we still seeing color if there is no color present? Our lives would not be the same without color. Art would be very different than what is it today. 


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