
     While reading Italo Calvino's "Visibility", I found myself going through the first of the two imaginative processes mentioned in the text. Your imagination can take you to the farthest of places. For example, while reading the text, one can easily place themselves in Dante the author or Dante the actor's place in order to better visualize what Calvino is discussing. Often in written works, the audience would be told to "imagine" or "picture" an image that the author describes in great detail. The author creating an image in the audience's is art in itself, but what is even more beautiful is that not one person could piece together an image that is exactly the same as other person's. It constantly amazes me how our minds are capable of leading us to a place we have never been before or a place where we long to be.
     Another occurrence that I find fascinating is that we are able to imagine something in our minds and physically bring it to life whether it is on paper, an electronic device, or through our lifestyle. With the human imagination, the possibilities are endless. It is up to the person whether or not they want to make their imagination a reality or to just let it be.
     In my last blog post, I wrote about how art can trigger things we have already experienced. Art can also trigger our imaginations to come up with scenarios that we have not experienced or have yet to experience. When I think about the phrase, "Fantasy is a place where it rains.", I think about the clouds being a piece of art. The art triggers our minds to imagine something. The raindrops on the ground are each person's imagination  or image that they have in their head. No raindrop will ever splatter the same way on the ground as another raindrop just like how one person's mind cannot produce the same exact image as another.


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